PM Modi To Address 50,000 Indian-Americans Jointly With US President Trump

According to English news headlines, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump are going to create history on September 22 by jointly addressing more than 50,000 Indian-Americans in a joint rally at NRG Stadium in Houston.

What is this event?

PM Modi is going to address the Indian-American community in a mega Houston event “Howdy, Modi! Shared Dreams” organized by a non-profit Texas India Forum. It is a newly formed body of Indian-American organizations in the US.

What is the significance of the event?

It is the third major address by PM Modi and first after his reelection as Prime Minister. He first addressed Indian-Americans in 2014 at the Madison Square Garden in New York and the second time in 2016 in the Silicone Valley. Both the events were attended by 20,000 audience. But the third one on September 22 is going to be big with 50,000 audience have already registered for the event.

Modi Trump joint rally

Both the leaders displayed bonhomie by announcing the joint rally. Also, it would be the third meeting between the two leaders. The earlier two meetings were on the sidelines of G20 Summit in Japan in June and G7 Summit in France in July. India isn’t a member of G7 Summit but PM Modi was invited as a special guest by French President Emanuel Macron.

White House preparing for Howdy Modi event US President Trump agreed to jointly address the Indian-American community who he had promised to meet again during his election campaigns. Trump has promised to Indian-Americans that he would be the best friend of India, if elected to the office.


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