Trump Accuses WHO Of Bias And Threatens To Cut Funding

US President Donald Trump accused the World Health Organization of bias towards China during the coronavirus pandemic and said that he could cut US funding to the WHO for its biased behavior.

Trump threatened WHO

Donald Trump said WHO, the UN body, could see a very powerful hold on funding from the US. It is well-known that the US is the biggest contributor of funds to WHO.

Trump pursues an America First policy and he has criticized WHO and other UN and multinational organizations in pursuance of his policy. But he revealed no details about the amount of fund to be withheld. On the contrary, he said that he was not saying, he was going to do that. He would look at ending the funding, added Trump.

Trump accuses WHO of bias

Donald Trump accused WHO of being very China centric while giving a faulty recommendation against curtailing international travel to stop the virus that first spread in China. He said that fortunately he rejected their advice on keeping the US borders open to China early on.

China also faced criticism from Republicans for mishandling the pandemic and Trump had expressed doubt over the statistics of coronavirus cases and deaths shared by China. Also, the Trump is facing criticism for initially downplaying the virus.

Trump likened the novel coronavirus to an ordinary flu and said that it was under control in the US. But soon he accepted that it was a national health emergency.


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