US And Japan Issued A Joint Statement In Defense Cooperation Amid Threat From China

US And Japan Issued A Joint Statement In Defense Cooperation

The US and Japan shared concerns about increasingly assertive China in a joint statement and announced stepped-up security cooperation on Wednesday. The joint statement came after one month after the US endorsing a major military build-up announced by Japan.


• The US will introduce a Marine Littoral Regiment in Tokyo to increase the military capabilities of Japan
• The two sides have also agreed to extend their defense treaty to cover space

What Was The Joint Statement About?

Encouraged by the American endorsement of its announcement of a major military build-up, Japan sent its foreign and defense ministers to Washington to meet their American counterparts and issue a joint statement.

US And Japan Issued A Joint Statement In Defense Cooperation

It said that given “a severely contested environment,” the forward posture of U.S. forces in Japan should be upgraded “by positioning more versatile, resilient, and mobile forces with increased intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, anti-ship, and transportation capabilities.”

According to the statement, the ministers discussed a vision of a modernized Alliance postured to prevail in a new era of strategic competition.

After the meeting, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a joint news conference said that the US agreed that the PRC was the greatest shared strategic challenge that the US and its allies and partners face referring to the People’s Republic of China. The two countries also agreed to cover space under the terms of their common defense treaty, said Blinken.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that the US would introduce a Marine Littoral Regiment in Japan to improve significant capabilities, including anti-ship missiles.

There will be a meeting between Austin and Japanese Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada on Thursday at the Pentagon ahead of a scheduled meeting between US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister … Read more

X2 Becomes The First Flying Car To Fly Amid Full Public View

First Flight Of X2

Chinese electronic vehicle maker Xpeng Inc displayed its “flying car” for the first time in the United Arab Emirates. It was an unmanned vehicle powered by eight propellers two at each corner. The Chinese maker said that it was considering the international launch of its vehicle.


• Chinese flying car makes its first appearance in Dubai
• It is a two-seater aircraft capable of vertical movement
• It will soon be launched on the international market

What Is A Flying Car?

The “flying car” made by Xpeng Inc is a small two-seater aircraft capable of vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL). The company calls it X2. The aircraft has two propellers on each corner to support vertical take-off and landing. According to the Chinese manufacturer, the “flying car” will transform city transportation for the better. The company offered X2 as a future mode of transport.

How Was The First Flight Of X2?

First Flight Of X2

The two-seater aircraft X2 did well in the 90-minute flight. Its take-off and landing were smooth and the people were amazed to see a “flying car” for the first time. It was an unmanned flight described as an important step toward developing the next generation of flying cars.

What Did The Manufacturer Say About The Flying Car?

Minguan Qiu, general manager of Xpeng Aeroht said that they were making step-by-step moves to the international market. First, they selected Dubai because it is the most innovative city in the world. But the official disclosed nothing about their plans for the international launch of the aircraft.


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Why Is China Targeting Japan In Its Military Drills Against Taiwan?

Nancy Pelosi Discuss With Fumio Kishida

Japan lodged a diplomatic protest with Beijing after five Chinese ballistic missiles appear to have fallen in the country’s exclusive economic zone. China started a military drill around Taiwan on Thursday.


• Five Chinese ballistic missiles landed in the waters claimed by Japan as its exclusive economic zone
• Four of the missiles were fired from over mainland Taiwan
• Parts of Japan’s southernmost islets are at the center of a long-running dispute between Tokyo and Beijing
• Japan’s exclusive economic zone extends beyond the limits of its territorial waters

What Is The Dispute Between China And Japan?

Dispute Between China And Japan

The Okinawa region constitutes the southernmost part of Japan is close to Taiwan. Also, it falls under the exclusive economic zone of Japan that extends 200 nautical miles from its coastline. But China claims the islets are present in that region.

China yesterday fired five ballistic missiles that landed on the waters claimed by Japan. These firings are seen as a protest against the visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The 82-years US official is on a high-profile Asian tour of Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. Presently she is in Japan on the last leg of her tour.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met Nancy Pelosi for breakfast and talked to reporters after the meeting. He called for the immediate halt of the Chinese military drill saying that Chinese actions had a serious impact on the peace and stability of the region and the international community.

What Did Nancy Pelosi Discuss With Fumio Kishida?

Nancy Pelosi Discuss With Fumio Kishida

The two leaders discussed important geopolitical issues including China, Russia, and North Korea, and efforts toward a nuclear-free world. Nancy Pelosi was in South Korea where she visited the border with nuclear-armed North Korea. It … Read more

The US Fears China Could Supply Military Equipment To Russia

China Could Supply Military Equipment To Russia

Russia is looking forward to China for military help in its “special operation” against Ukraine reported the Financial Times and Washington Post from sources in the US administration.


• Russia needs supply for its military operation
• China could be the likely partner of Russia
• Jake Sullivan of the US will meet Chinese diplomat in Rome
• China has so far maintained silence on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

What Kind Of Military Help Does Russia Need?

Russia needs military equipment supplies for its ongoing “special operation” against Ukraine. Since the west has imposed sanctions on Russia, it has become very difficult for Moscow to get the necessary equipment for its military. But China could provide military supplies to Russia. But the report didn’t give any clue to what kind of military supplies Russia needs for its defense forces.

Why Would China Help Russia?

China Could Supply Military Equipment To Russia

Beijing has so far refrained from condemning Russia’s “special operation” as an invasion of Ukraine and it has urged a negotiated solution for the military problem. Also, China is facing similar sanctions as Russia. It has come under tremendous western pressure on human rights and other issues. Since both the countries are facing similar sanctions from the west, they could join hands to form a collective defense before the west.

How Would US Stop China From Helping Russia?

U.S. National Security advisor Jake Sullivan is expected to meet China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi in Rome. The meeting could take place on Monday. Jake Sullivan would raise the issue of military supplies to Russia with the Chinese diplomat in the meeting. If China proceeds with its military supplies to Russia, it could face more sanctions from the US.

The Financial Times and Washington Post tried … Read more

What Is The Real Figure Of Chinese Casualties In Galwan Clash?


China accepts that five of its army officers were killed in Galwan Valley clash with Indian army. Also, it honored those soldiers. They are Qi Fabao, the regimental commander from the PLA Xinjiang Military Command, Chen Hongjun, Chen Xiangrong, Xiao Siyuan and Wang Zhuoran.

Why China took a long time in accepting human loss in Galwan Valley clash?

The clash took between Indian army and China’s PLA when the latter prevented the Indian soldiers from accessing Indian points. In the clash, the Chinese soldiers brought medieval-styled weapons. India lost 20 brave soldiers including Colonel Santosh Babu, the Commanding Officer of 16 Bihar in the clash. But China denied losing any human life in that fight.

Qian Feng, director of the research department at the National Strategy Institute at Tsinghua University said while giving a reason for delay in accepting human loss by China is that it wanted to refute previous disinformation that stated China suffered greater casualties than India.

Who first reported Chinese casualties?

The Northern Army Commander of India gave a figure of 45 soldiers that were killed in the Galwan clash with Indian army. A Russian news agency TASS reported that figure on February 10 but China remained in the denial mode until disclosing names of its deceased soldiers and honoring them.

What is the present situation on Indo-China border?

After Galwan clash, both the nations decided to create a buffer-zone that will be no-man’s land to prevent such clashes in future. Also, both the militaries are disengaging their soldiers from the banks of the Pangong lake in eastern Ladakh.… Read more

What Is Indian Agenda Of High-Level Talks With Chinese Military?


India and China have decided to hold high-level talks in the Indian Border Point Meeting hut in Chushul-Moldo to resolve the standoff at LAC on Ladakh and Sikkim border. Lieutenant General Harinder Singh, Commander of 14 Corps will meet his Chinese counterpart the Commander of the Tibet Military District.

Indian agenda for the high-level talks

According to official sources, India will insist on restoration of the previous state of affairs in all areas of eastern Ladakh. Also, India will oppose the huge build up of Chinese forces in the region and ask China not to oppose infrastructure development on the Indian side.

Chinese military has been obstructing normal patrolling by Indian troops along the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh and Sikkim. Also, it alleged Indian army of trespassing into the Chinese side. The present standoff has already witnessed skirmishes between soldiers of the two armies in the Pangong Tso Lake region on May 5 and May 6.

Reason for the Indo-China standoff

India has been developing roads in the Finger area around the Pangong Tso Lake and in the Darbuk-Shayok-Daulat Beg Oldie area in Galwan Valley. But China is strongly opposing the infrastructure buildup by India. For India, this infrastructure is important for smooth patrolling of the area. And the country has decided to continue with its road buildup projects despite stiff opposition by China.

History of Indo-China relations

Both the countries have fought a brief war in 1962 and were also involved in a military standoff in Doklam that lasted for three months in 2017.

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China Upset Over US Inviting India, Russia To G7


As the president of G7, Trump wants to invite India, Australia, South Korea and Russia to the group. And he has already sent his invites to the countries. But he is yet to receive confirmation from those nations.

China criticized US move on G7

China said that any move to seclude China in the global platform was doomed to fail. It said that China believed all international organizations and conferences should be conducive to mutual trust between countries. It further said that any attempt to make a small circle against China would become unpopular.

Russia yet to respond to the G7 call

Russia was a former ally of G8 before it was expelled from the group in 2014 by then US President Barack Obama. Obama took the strong step of ousting Russia from the group after Russia took Crimea. Since then Russia had developed a close strategic partnership with China. But the reports are that Russia has shown interest in joining the group.

G7 invitees

G7 is a group of seven developed economies – US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Canada. The group members hold annual presidency and they meet once every year. This year, the G7 group is expected to meet in September.

The group president can invite head of the states to discuss global issues. Last year, India joined the group at the invitation of French President Emanuel Macron. This year, US President Trump wants India and three other countries to attend the G7 meet.

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US Worried Over Increased Chinese Presence On LAC Said Mike Pompeo


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo mentioned India-China stand off while attacking China in Marc Thiessen and Danielle Pletka of AEI’s ”What The Hell Is Going On” Podcast.

China increasing forces along LAC

Mike Pompeo said that China had moved its forces up to north of India along Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh and Sikkim. He said that both the armies building up their strength was a clear indication of escalating tension. He further said that the hardening of positions continued even two separate face-offs between India and China.

China hiding truth in coronavirus pandemic

Pompeo alleged that the Communist Party of China (CPC) continued to hide and delay the response on coronavirus pandemic that began in Wuhan in China. Also, he alleged that the CPC robbed the Chinese people in China and Hong Kongers in Hong Kong of their freedom. He said that the authoritarian regime in China had an impact on the people around the world.

Mike Pompeo said that the above mentioned two incidents reveal the true nature of the Communist Party of China. He alleged that China continued to steal intellectual property and advancing in the South China Sea.

US can stop China

Pompeo said that the US had the responsibility and capability to safeguard the interests of its citizens from China. He said that China had developed its military capabilities only to threaten its neighbours. And that the US had responded to China in the real way for the past two decades.

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Xi Jinping Prepares China For The Worst-Case Scenario


China has stepped up its battle preparedness amid a face-off with Indian soldiers along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). Chinese Premier Xi Jinping ordered the military to be ready for the worst-case scenario without mentioning any specific threat to the country.

Chinese preparedness for battle

Recently China increased its defense budget by 6.6% to $179 billion. It is the second larges military spender after the US and its defense budget is nearly three-times that of India. But the recent increase in the defense budget is the lowest in recent years.

Power to Xi Jinping

The 66-year old leader is the General Secretary of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC). Also, he has prospects of lifelong tenure in power. As head of two-million-strong military, he called a meeting of all country’s top military and police officials during the current parliament session in Beijing to update them about the present situation.

Battling the US

The US has increased its patrolling in the disputed South China Sea as well as the Taiwan Straits. Also, the US has alleged China of spreading coronavirus pandemic to the world. And this war of words has grown bitter in the last couple of days.

Battling India

There have been two face-offs between Chinese and India soldiers. Also, both the countries have strengthened their border presence along the LAC. And the standoff seems to be worsening day-by-day. China is facing India in Sikkim and Ladakh. But India has denied escalation of tension.

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China-India Border Tension Reaches Next Level


India and China have escalated their surveillance along LAC (line of actual control) but it isn’t the regular patrolling as both the sides are busy building troops on the LAC. Military experts say that it is a bigger crisis than Doklam in 2017.

Face-off between Indian and Chinese troops

India has increased its military strength in Pangong Tso and Galwan Valley after the China deployed around 2,000 to 2,500 troops in these contentious areas. And the Chinese army is gradually building temporary infrastructure to support its military. But the strength of the Indian army is much better in comparison to the Chinese side.

India is more concerned about the key points where China is deploying more troops. Their presence in Indian Post KM120 along the Darbuk-Shayok-Daulat Beg Oldie road in Galwan Valley is cause of tension for the Indian army.

Chinese army strengthening its positions

They have erected around 100 tents in the Galwan Valley and they are bringing heavy equipment for construction of bunkers in the area. And it happened in last two weeks. On the Indian side, the army has resorted to “aggressive patrolling” to areas including Demchok and Daulat Beg Oldi.

Recent skirmishes

On May 5, both the armies involved into a violent face-off in eastern Ladakh and it spilled over the next day until local commanders decided to hold a meeting to disengage the troops. The Chinese army hit the Indian soldiers with iron rods, sticks and they even resorted to stone pelting in Pangong Tso lake area.

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